Friday, November 29, 2019
Psychodynamic Personality Theories Matrix
Psychodynamic theories and perspectives give human beings an understanding of what goes on in one’s mind. In a health care setting, psychodynamic perspective helps health practitioners to develop insights on what a patient’s mind believes, in addition to behavioral characteristics.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychodynamic Personality Theories Matrix specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Understanding an individual’s mind helps people to solve personal problems that may cause trauma and psychological torture. This involves assisting affected persons to accept hardships and events; the results are improvements in an individual’s welfare and relational behaviors, both private and interpersonal. Psychodynamic theories are limited by the fact that they rely on assumptions to analyze situations and behavior (Feist Feist, 2009). The assumptions include belief that every behavior has a cause and the aspect that unconsciousness affects emotions. Assumptions also include conviction that childhood has an impact on personal behaviors and future emotions and that identity, as well as ego, makes up one’s personality. The defense mechanisms in case of a problem include defiance, regression, desire, repression, and unstable reactions. Psychodynamic theories affect individuals’ character in a number of ways. For instance, one may link obsessive hand washing to childhood trauma that results to such behaviors in adulthood. Other behaviors in adults that are interlinked with childhood include fear, nervousness, hair plucking, sexual compulsions, and neurotic behaviors. This may be realized in an individual’s mannerism, way of thinking, and emotional relief. The traits exhibited include shyness, reliability, sociability, hostility, self-belief, and ambitions. The level of the impact on individuals affects personal feelings and self-motivation. This enables one t o solve self-conflicts and relieve oneself from guilt. An individual’s personality is based on the possibility of viewing events, creating desires, and working towards the achievement of set goals and objectives (Leichsenring Rabung, 2011). This involves unconscious motives, and terrible conflicts between desire and personal obligations. The persona formed involves arts, jokes, clear accidents, unstable word use and dreams, all which are subjective. In that case, the ability to balance all these systems and the objects of interests determine how successful one becomes. Personal identity and ego reacts to pleasure and personal conscience towards life’s activities and reality principles. The effects of psychodynamic theories on interpersonal relationships are felt greatly in how conflicts are resolved, in addition to the ability to maintain relations. The humanist approach looks at childhood and views neglect and physical deformities as some of the causes of emotional d isorders. In such cases, persons are determined to achieve their own goals and thus have no business with others. Personality theories influence interpersonal relations in a manner that most people are not able to control.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Interpersonal relations are highly determined by social as well as environmental issues and conflicts that require varying levels of human knowledge to solve. In situations that a number of people are involved, the key factors in shaping character are compensation, defeat, personal beliefs, and understanding (Feist Feist, 2009). The need for love and affection takes a great cause in shaping an individual; lack of these emotional needs brings about hostility and anxiety among the affected. For people to work together, they must share goals and ideologies, or if not, have strong interpersonal feelings and desires to associate with oth ers. Most interpersonal characters are developed while people engage in communal responsibilities and activities such as marriage ceremonies and social rituals that bring people together. Individuals’ personalities influence what an individual can do for self and society. References Feist, J., Feist, G. (2009). Theories of personality (7th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Leichsenring, F., Rabung, S. (2011). Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in complex mental disorders: update of a meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 199(1), 15-22. This essay on Psychodynamic Personality Theories Matrix was written and submitted by user Benjamin Bowers to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Anthropologie Culturelle Essays - Jewish Culture, Hebrew Calendar
Anthropologie Culturelle Essays - Jewish Culture, Hebrew Calendar Anthropologie Culturelle Les Amish : une communaut? hors du temps I) LES ORIGINES DES AMISH On trouve les racines des Amish dans la communaut? des Mennonites. Les deux appartiennent au mouvement des Anabaptistes qui remonte ? lpoque de la R?forme. Les Anabaptistes croyaient que seuls les adultes devaient ?tre baptis?s car ils avaient conscience de leur acte et qu?ils devaient rester en marge de la soci?t?. Beaucoup d?Anabaptistes furent extermin?s, consid?r?s comme h?r?tiques par les Catholiques comme les Protestants et beaucoup all?rent se r?fugier dans les montagnes suisses et au sud de l?Allemagne. C?est dans ce contexte qu?appara?t le mouvement Amish : les pers?cutions continu?rent jusqu?au XVIII? si?cle et entre 1693 et 1697 une partie de lglise Mennonite suisse (les Fr?res Suisses) se s?para du reste de la Communaut? pour former le mouvement Amish. Cette communaut? souhaitait pr?server la discipline biblique au sein de la communaut?. A partir de 1663, une partie ?migra aux Etats-Unis pour ?chapper au militarisme europ?en et pr?server la foi des anc?tres! dans un pays neuf aux perspectives ?conomiques attrayantes : ils stablirent au nord des Etats-Unis, en Pennsylvanie, et se lanc?rent dans l?agriculture avec succ?s. 1. Quelle est la valeur symbolique du schisme Amish ? En 1693 un ?v?que suisse du nom de Jacob Amman se s?pare des Fr?res Suisses Mennonites : ses successeurs ont ?t? baptis?s les Amish. Bien que les deux communaut?s se soient s?par?es, elles partagent de nombreux points communs : elles ont les m?mes croyances en ce qui concerne le bapt?me, la non violence et les doctrines bibliques fondamentales. Cependant elles diff?rent en mati?re de v?tements, de technologie, de langue, de fa?on de travailler et d?interpr?tation de la Bible. D?apr?s l?historien Eli Gingerich, dans ses ?crits de 1978, il y a sept domaines au centre de la controverse entre les Mennonites Suisses et les Amish qui ont pouss? au schisme entre 1693 et 1697 : ? la communion deux fois par an ? l?habitude de laver les pieds d?autrui comme rite religieux ? le fait d?isoler et dviter un membre de la communaut? excommuni? ou puni ? s?en tenir ? une discipline communautaire tr?s stricte ? die Treuherzigen : le probl?me de savoir si oui ou non les ? justes ? ?taient prot?g?s ? les codes vestimentaires ? les codes concernant la coiffure Gingerich explique plus loin que ? ni l?un ni l?autre des deux parties ne voulait c?der. Chacune ?tait d?termin?e. Aucune ne voulait admettre la possibilit? de se tromper ou dchouer. Il s?est av?r? qu?il ?tait impossible de communiquer pour mieux comprendre l?autre partie. Les deux Eglises ne se sont jamais retrouv?es. ? En fait ces sept domaines ou points de dispute ne suffisent pas d?apr?s d?autres auteurs ? expliquer le schisme : il y avait d?j? au sein de l?Eglise Mennonite Suisse une litt?rature ? proto-Amish ? identifi?e comme telle par Nikolaus W?thrich en 1807 et par Christian Plank qui faisait partie du cercle d?intimes de Jacob Ammann mais avait quitt? le groupe Amish. En fait ces auteurs d?montrent qu?il faut remonter ? Simon Menno, le fondateur du mouvement Mennonite pour expliquer la controverse sur deux points fondamentaux pr?c?demment cit?s : l?isolement d?un excommuni? ou d?un puni et les Treuherzigen. ? L?isolement physique : d?apr?s W?thrich , il est impossible de consid?rer l?isolement physique que pratiquent les Amish et que contestaient les Mennonites comme ?tant fond? du point de vue biblique par l?ap?tre Paul. Tout remonte donc ? Menno lui-m?me. Gingerich explique ainsi que cet isolement physique date en fait de 1555 : Leenaert Bouwens a ?tabli cet isolement pour punir les personnes nocives au reste de la communaut?. Cet isolement se fait entre toutes les cat?gories de personnes : les enfants sont s?par?s de leurs parents, les ?pouses de leur mari ... Cependant cette mesure fut contest?e par une femme qui refusait dtre s?par?e de son mari : en cons?quence, Menno lui-m?me lutta contre cette s?v?rit?. En 1693 lorsque Jakob Ammann essaya de r?introduire l?isolement physique dans la communaut? suisse Mennonite, il re?ut l?appui des plus traditionalistes et conservateurs qui favoris?rent le schisme. ? Les Treuherzigen : c?est le deuxi?me point important de la controverse Mennonites/Amish. Litt?ralement les Treuherzigen sont ceux dont le coeur est fiable, fid?le ou loyal. Ils sont parfois appel?s les Anabaptistes partiels. En fait ce sont ceux qui
Friday, November 22, 2019
Benefits of Monopoly for the Stakeholders Essay
Benefits of Monopoly for the Stakeholders - Essay Example Monopoly is a market structure where a firm controls the industry in regards to output and prices and there are no close substitutes to the products. Monopolistic competition is a market structure where there are many buyers and sellers who trade in a range of prices. This is because the sellers can differentiate their offers to different customers (Orbanes, 2007). Monopoly is not the best market structure to be considered in the current world of business.A monopoly has different benefits to the stakeholders such as the government, consumers, producers and businesses as a whole. Monopoly benefits to the producers and businesses are that it increases normal profits to abnormal profits. A monopoly produces at a lower output and sells at high prices. This reduces the marginal cost of the producer which increases the profits to supernormal profits. The businesses also benefit from a monopoly in that they produce at large scale which leads to economies of scale. The economies of scale wil l lead to a reduction in average cost, which will lead to, increase in profits. The economies of scale have potential gain in welfare to the producer. The large scale production will reduce the firm’s costs, which will result, to benefits in the long run. The shareholders also benefit from monopoly through receiving dividends, which result from, supernormal profits. The firm benefit in terms of control meaning the firm controls the entire market which means it is the sole decision maker in the industry. The firm benefit for being the dominant one in the industry in that it decides on the prices of the products. The firms in the industry are price takers (Robinson, 1943).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reflective Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Reflective Report - Essay Example Furthermore, members have different experiences and each has a preferable way to research for the required information. Therefore, we all decided to choose an area in which one would prefer to focus on at the beginning. This was also informed by the limited amount of time available. Even thought the group met every week, more work was done during our private times. On the other hand, the group meetings were useful as we all used this time to share the researched information and track what areas needed to be looked into with more detail. Also, with today’s technological advancement, we were all able to contact each other through mobile phones or email so as to share the findings thus far and seek for assistance from one another. The business plan consists of three parts. One of them is the market environment, which includes external and internal analysis as well as the strategic fit of the corporation. The main advantage of researching the current external and internal situations is the ability to identify the threats and opportunities for marketing purposes (Baines & Fill 2011) (see Figure 1). In our case, the environmental scanning was essential to understand why the company chose the specific strategies it did. For example, the company decided to create the focused shapes UK music (MixtapeMadness 2014). In addition, according to Mintel (2014), technological evolution changed consumer purchasing behaviour with a majority purchasing music products online nowadays. Therefore, in order to match consumer needs, the online platform was created for music downloads. Moreover, the â€Å"PEST†analysis was highly useful to track the environment that the company operates in (Mullins 2013). For example, economical factors such as low income among young consumers have influenced the company to create a free downloading website. The business plan also contained the marketing plan, which
Monday, November 18, 2019
Geology of your hometown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Geology of your hometown - Essay Example The city has four counties that are under its jurisdiction; these are Feeding, Feixi, Changfeng, and Lijiang. It also has one Sub County and four urban districts, Yaohai, Loyang, Shushan, and Baohe. Its development zones include Hefei economic and technological development area, Hefei pilot zone, and Hefei Chaohu economic development zone (Li). Each region around Anhui province in China is unique. Hefei covers an expanse of an area of 11400 square kilometers with 37mertres above the sea level and an urban population of 7.52million people, with mandarin as a primary language spoken. It has longstanding historical traditions though it is greatly influenced by immigrant population. There is one developed Lake Known as Swan. It is next to a new build government building, and it is a beautiful place to have a picnic. The geological terrain offer an artificial beach which attracts many people especially during the summer. It has the largest number of consumer group and greatest potential for development. It is a city Center for politics, economy and culture, education, information, finance, commerce, and communication in Anhui province, China. It has the fastest growing economy because Chinese national government has given its local government funding for expansion and growth (Morris). Hefei is one of the most suitable places to live in due to its excellent public security and clean environment. In 2004, it was awarded the "China Excellent Living Environment Prize." In 2014, it was also awarded as an excellent green ecological city. The lake has wonderful scenery and many aquatic products (wu). Geology of Chaohu Lake has hot springs in it, which are rich in active mineral elements, and rare and beautiful flowers that grow in it. Hefei functions connect to national means of transportation in China with well-developed expressway network leading to all directions. Its airport owns over 30 domestic air routes and direct flights to Hong Kong, Fukuoka,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Female Leaders And Transformational Leadership Management Essay
Female Leaders And Transformational Leadership Management Essay As the number of females in management level increase in recent years, their leadership style and the subordinates behavior are worth investigated. Among all leadership styles, most female leaders choose transformational leadership. As stated by Powell (2004), when female leaders use transformational leadership style, they will be evaluated more favorably than male leaders. The reason behind is that transformational leadership is more associated with the feminine than masculine gender stereotype. The women transformational leaders also develop different behavior in trust and lead to different team effectiveness and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Transformational leadership The concept of transformational leadership was first introduced by Burns (1978)Â [ii]Â stating that transformational leadership is a process which leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. Bass (1985)Â [iii]Â further developed Burnss concept that transformational leadership entailed establishing oneself as a role model by gaining followers trust and confidence. Transformational leaders state future goals, develop plans to achieve those goals, and innovate, even when their organization is generally successful. Transformational leaders are idealized that they are a moral example of working towards the benefit of the team, organization and community. Bass (1985) theorized that transformational leadership comprises four dimensions: individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. Individualized consideration is the leaders role towards the followers and concerns their needs. The leader gives support and empathy to followers so as to motivate them to accomplish the tasks. Intellectual stimulation is about the leaders attitude towards creativity and risks. Transformational leaders are willing to take risks and encourage followers to think independently and creatively. They think that the unexpected situations are the opportunity to learn. Inspiration motivation concerns the extents of leaders motivate the followers by giving them a clear vision to follow. When the followers understand the vision, they are willing to pay more effort in completing tasks and consequently bring benefits to the team and company. Idealized influence is that leaders provide a role exemplar to followe rs demonstrating their ability and ethics to gain respect and trust of them. The four dimensions of transformational leadership are widely used in measuring transformational leadership. This leadership style concerns to influence followers to work better and eventually lead to intrinsic motivation towards the tasks. As this kind of leadership is always perceived as effective, it is becoming popular in the business industry as well as government. Female Leaders and transformational leadership It was obvious that women were not favor in filling high-level leadership position. Gary Yukl (2010)Â [iv]Â suggested that this phenomenon was due to the gender-based discrimination about men were more qualified than women for leadership roles and involves three main assumptions. These assumptions were about traits and skills required for effective leadership in organizations, about instinctive differences between men and women, and about the appropriate behavior for men and women. These hindered women from holding important and high-level leadership position in early years. However, the portion of women in executive level is increasing in recent years. Cookburn (1991)Â [v]Â suggested that stereotypes of women include kindness, compassion, nurturing and sharing lead to a higher concern for women regarding interpersonal relationship and consensus building. These unique characteristics bring women to high-level positions in company. And also due to these special attributes, women are more likely to choose transformational leadership style. Women are always strong at showing the individualized consideration to followers. As they concern the interrelationship between people, they will undoubtedly show their support and empathy to the subordinates for the benefit of themselves and the whole team. The evidence is given by Eagly Johannessen-Schmidt (2002)Â [vi]Â that women were rated higher than men in most aspects of transformational leadership. As a result, women using transformational leadership style are perceived easier to bring to the success of teams. Trust Trust between leader and subordinate is a key element of a team success. Rousseau, Sitkin, Burt, Camerer (1998)Â [vii]Â defined trust as a psychological state comprising the intention to accept the vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another. Trust is important in some perspectives like reduction of harmful conflict and promotion of effective responses to crisis (Rousseau et al. 1998). For a company, it is crucial for employees trust in the leader in explaining the visions and motivates employees to support the organization (Howarth, Rafferty, 2009)Â [viii]Â . Moreover, some studies (Sandy, Uma 1994; Perry, Mankin, 2004)Â [ix]Â xindicated that the gender of leaders and subordinates is an important factor in perceived behavior. Therefore, understanding the trusting behavior of subordinates to a women leader can help on the better development of team and company. Trust and gender The difference between women and men in interdependence is that women are more relationally interdependent while men are more collectively interdependent (Gabriel Gardner, 1999)Â [xi]Â . The article states that women place more emphasis on relationships and interpersonal connections, while men are more likely to emphasize more depersonalized group memberships and the importance of group identity. This can attribute to the nature and way of bringing up of women. Women are always by nature more sociable. They are more removed and protected than are men from many of the unpleasant aspects of human nature (Wrightsman, 1974)Â [xii]Â . They are brought up with more concern about care and built up good relationship with others. This socialization process trains women to assume the best or to think well of people. So, as a result, women consider the relationship with people more than men do. In some studies (Schwieren and Sutter, 2004Â [xiii]Â ; Slonim, 2004Â [xiv]Â ), the difference of trusting behavior between men and women is not significant. In a trust game by Eckel and Wilson (2004)Â [xv]Â , the result indicated that women trust less than men. But this is limited for the decisions made during the game. In normal condition, the gender has no effects on trust. Nevertheless, it can be deduced that women will trust the individuals with good relationship. They think that the one they rely on will act for the best of them. However, Maddux and Brewer (2005)Â [xvi]Â stated that although women may have actually trusted the relationship target more than men, they are less likely to make risky decision. That is, from the decision point of view, women will not take the risk and rather choose a safe option. This is not related to the matter of trust. Trust and transformational leadership The basic theory of transformational leadership posits trust as a central feature of the relationship that leaders have with their followers, and assume that it is through the followers trust in their leader (Bennis Nanus, 1985)Â [xvii]Â . This behavior of trust motivates the followers to perform better and beyond the expectations. In recent meta-analysis on trust and leadership, Dirks Ferrin (2002)Â [xviii]Â reported that the transformational leadership is a strongly predictive of trust. The evidences are given by other researchers (Bennis et al. 1985; Butler, Cantrell, Flick, 1999Â [xix]Â ; Conger, Kanungo, Menon, 2000Â [xx]Â ). Back to the four dimensions of transformational leadership, the researchers (Bennis et al. 1985; Butler et al. 1999; Conger et al. 2000) found that they all enhance trust between leaders and subordinates. Individualized consideration concerns about communication between leader and subordinates, understanding of needs and capabilities and developing subordinates strengths, which can demonstrate the care of leader about them. As a consequence, trust will build between both parties. Intellectual stimulation reinforces the leaders commitment to the development of the subordinates as well as the team, hence trust is built. Leader motivates and focuses subordinates efforts on tasks and goal, which is considered as inspirational motivation, can increase the trust level of both sides. Finally, idealized influence of leader shows the integrity and competence. Subordinates rely on the behaviors of leader and determine whether their leader is trustworthy. So, in general, transformational leader s are always perceived as trustworthy and easy to gain trust from subordinates. Impact of trust and women transformational leaders on team effectiveness Trust in the leader is associated with the effort employees put into work (Dirks, Ferrin. 2002)Â [xxi]Â . The more effort employees put into work can be regarded as higher effectiveness of the leader. Gomez Rosen (2001)Â [xxii]Â reported that team members trust in their leader would be positively associated with the perceptions of leaders effectiveness. Therefore, the higher degree of trust on the leader, the better effectiveness them team will be. Women as leaders are always perceived as less effective than men (Eagly, Karau, Makhijani, 1995)Â [xxiii]Â . Eagly et al. (1995) found that male managers were more effective than women managers in positions that required strong task skills, while women managers were more effective in positions that required strong interpersonal skills. This finding is consistent with the previous statement of Wrightman (1974) that women are strong at and concern relationship with people. It can be predicted that for a position that required strong interpersonal skills and a female transformational leader has good relationship with subordinates, the trusting behavior will enhance the team effectiveness.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Pearl Harbor Essay -- essays research papers
December 7, 1941 was a day that will â€Å"live in infamy†, a day when 2,400 men needlessly lost their lives while serving America. Millions of dollars of American military equipment was destroyed. It was a day of horror, disbelief, discontent, and shame. The people of the United States never imagined anything like this could happen to them. They were a neutral country, only providing supplies for the Allies. This activity made the Axis powers mad. At the time of the start of World War II the United States was a leading world country, not only did it have one of, if not the most, feared militaries on earth, its technology was also rapidly growing. Japan reacted by planning and seeing through a massive attack on America in an effort to disable the American military and try to permanently keep them out of the war. Pearl Harbor is a day that will never be forgotten. Japan started the planning of this attack a year earlier in 1940. The Japanese used pictures taken by spies to locate exactly where all of the ships were located and when the base was at its rest. Japan was having many problems with its economy at the start of the Second World War. On the other hand, the United States was the leading economic country in the world. This made the Japanese jealous and frustrated. The Japanese believed that they were being pushed into a corner by Roosevelt and felt that they must act to protect the Empire. They believed if they took out Pearl Harbor the United States would not be able to co...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Philippines and Mayor Vice Mayor
Antonio Pigafetta Magellan's Italian expeditionary ethnographer, went ashore in 1521 to parley with the ruler of Limasawa, they sat together in a boat drawn up on shore which Pigafetta called a balangai Barangay/ Balangai Word for boat also being used for the smallest unit of Tagalog society Barrio Colonial term, a political unit loyal toa local boss Heroic Leadership This perks up their readiness to serve the people's needs, whether prioritize as egular or urgent. Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese born leader of five Spanish ships, stumbled onto islands in 1521 in his search for the lucrative spices of the Indies Enrique Slave of Magellan who returned to Spain to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe Reduccion Barangays were coaxed or coerced into towns (cabeceras) organized around a newly built church with a resident friar Visitas Small outlaying settlements equipped with a chapel to receive a visiting friar Reduccion Cabeceras District capitals Poblaciones Towns Barrios/B arangays Villages SitiosHamlets Bajo de la campana Under the church bells To bring all indios into Christian communities balo de la campana and to accurately count the population in order to collect the tribute, the combined goals of church and state carried under friar supervision. Muros wall Intramuros (Inside the wall) Were hordes of Spaniards, leading indios, and important institutions of church and Lived non-Christians, dispossessed datus at odds with the new order, and Chinese as well as foreign communities. Encomiendas Granted by King Philip II Wich is the administrative right to collect tribute and draft abor from among the inhabitants of a defined geographical area, along with the responsibility to protect them and provide religious instruction. Polo y servicios Mobilized by the cabeza de barangay.The compulsory 40-day labor per year rendered by tribute payers to the state Servicio Was performed by men and women and consisted largely of domestic service in churches and conv ents Polo Was hard labor performed by men: constructing government buildings and churches
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Does Co2 Emissions Affect the Ecosystem?
How does CO2 Emissions Affect the Ecosystem? Kenyetta Sloan Bryant & Stratton College Ecology Dr. M. McLellan-Zabielski October 24, 2012 What would happen if we didn’t cut trees, use transportation, even turn on our lights or any electrical item we own? Then global warming wouldn’t exist. The things that we do on the daily basis is what produces carbon emissions, when we burn oil, coal, and gas, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The result of this is climate change, temperature, and moisture, which affects our ecosystem, consisting of plant life and human life.One type of ecosystem is plant life, temperature and moisture influence birth, growth and death rates of plants (Effects on Ecosystems chapter 10). These factors also influence photosynthesis and respiration, which responds differently to temperature, in low temperatures, photosynthesis, is slow, at higher temperatures it accelerates. It is argued that global warming may result in a reduction in net carbon uptake by plants (Woodwell, 1987). Though plants have the ability to adjust to climate change, plants stay in the limited range where they are able to breathe and reproduce.If plants don’t receive enough moisture, it reduces plant growth, if too much moisture then it can cause cellular damage and a rapid increase in respiration (Hanson and Hitz, 1982). Plants absorb carbon, but when it’s burned or when they decay; carbon is released back into our atmosphere, the result being greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is a process that carbon goes through or better yet a cycle it goes through, it is cycled from land, to ocean, to air.The ocean contains 50 times more carbon then our atmosphere because it serves as a repository system. Earths current levels of carbon in the atmosphere is something that we should be worried about, the Earth was warmer and sea levels were higher in the past, we’re below the normal averages of where Earth’s levels are suppos ed to be. The blame to this change is us as humans; we are forcing the atmosphere to change, we responsible for the increase of carbon dioxide emissions.Fossil fuels when combusted, contain carbon which bond with oxygen and forms carbon dioxide that enter our atmosphere. The leading fossil fuel is coal, which is used most to form electricity, releases more carbon into the atmosphere than any other fossil fuel we use, even gas doesn’t release as much carbon as coal does. About 40% of fossil fuel combustion is used up by electricity, to power up our homes, businesses and industries, using coal as the primary source of energy (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2010). Transportation is the second largest source of CO2 emissions, about 31% of fossil fuel combustion is used to transport ourselves and goods. Vehicles, air travel, marine transportation and trains are the sources that we use to transport from place to place, using gasoline or diesel. Carbon Di oxide emissions are projected to grow 1. 5% from now to 2020, there are ways to reduce the emissions, and it’s by cutting our use of fossil fuels.The vehicles we drive can be more fuel-efficient, meaning going green and cutting the gas use, changing our appliances and our electrical usage. References NRC (2010). Advancing the Science of Climate Change. National Research Council. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, USA. U. S. Department of State (2007). Fourth Climate Action Report to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions. U. S. Department of State, Washington, DC, USA (2010). What Is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?Understanding the Carbon Cycle & How Current CO2 Emissions are Disrupting It. www. coolerclimate. com Global Biofuels Industry. (2010). M2PressWIRE. www. Thecarbonaccount. com (August 2009). Nature’s role in climate change. European Commission. Effects on Ecosystem. Kaplanovic, S. , & Mijailovtc, R. (2012). THE INTE RNALISATION OF EXTERNAL COSTS OF CO2 AND POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM PASSENGER CARS. Technological & Economic Development Of Economy, 18(3), 470-486. doi:10. 3846/20294913. 2012. 702694 .
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Eating Dsiorders essays
Eating Dsiorders essays Located forty minutes west of Cincinnati is Miami University. Only 16,000 students reside at Miami University, yet we boasts two professional basketball players (Wally Szerbiac and Ron Harper), a top twenty hokey team, two consecutive synchronized ice-skating national championships, and who can forget the second most beautiful girls in the nation (according to playboy magazine). However, what we should be rated for is our percentage of students with eating disorders. Every afternoon one may bear witness to dozens of girls, already abnormally thin, running all over campus. If you visit Miamis recreational center, the amount of girls multiplies. While visiting the recreational center one will see countless girls running on the indoor track while on the endless waiting list to use a treadmill. Once finished these women do grab a bite to eat, a piece of fruit, a fat free yogurt, and, if they feel like pigging out, a salad. And even when students return to their dorm they still cant avoid the disorders. While walking through a female corridor one will find room after room with Billy Blanks on the television and Buns or Abs of Steel at work. Unfortunately it doesnt end with this. In the worst cases you may hear awful noises of girls vomiting coming from the restroom. Is this the picture of college life depicted in movies or recommended to us by our high school counselors? It should, because this is Miami University. Although few admit it, this campus has one of the most distorted views of body image of any college. I interviewed fifty females from my dorm concerning their feelings toward their bodies. 80% revealed that they thought they were fat. When in actuality, only ten percent qualify as clinically overweight. 72% informed me that they exercised 4 or more times a week. When asked why, most responded, to control my weight. 54% take it a step further and limit their food intake in addition to exercising. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Fault Reporting System (FRS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Fault Reporting System (FRS) - Essay Example Part 1 Analysis of Requirements A- Business objectives for the FRS The development of fault reporting system is aimed at achieving the following business objectives: Reduce the number of complaints regarding IT faults Increase credibility of business services On-time problem management Higher market share through better services Targeting wide customer market Increasing annual turnover Enhancing business productivity through better services Increasing the hardware product’s quality services B Produces a list of the functions required from the FRS Through the implementation of Fault Reporting System (FRS) we are intended to improve the overall business operational performance. ... Allocation Staff for complaint management (BO6, BO7) Issues Recording Screen R8. Recording all issues found (BO8) R9. Entering main issues found on system (BO9, BO10) Action Taken Screen R10. Recording necessary actions taken to mitigate the problem (BO11) Link each function to at least one Business Objective This section describes different functions those will be provided by the new system. In this way the business will be capable to get more effective facilities for conducting corporate operations and improving working environment: Client Satisfaction Clients’ satisfaction is one of the prime factors of the business. In this connection I have listed below main functionalities of the new web based Fault Reporting System: Recording all the complaints Saving clients detailed information along with complaints Quick fixes Fast actions Reducing faults fixing within "two working days†Offering more reliability of different types of computer equipment Enhancing overall corpor ate internal working structure Fast Response Quick response to clients’ complaints is essential for the business operational performance. In this scenario I have presented below the functionalities of the new Fault Reporting System: Offering exact date for solutions In case of small problem offering frequent solution Proper submission of complaints to the relevant department Web based or On-line assistance On-time Complaint Management On-time management of the clients’ complaints is a major preference of every business. In this scenario for the quick on-time complaints management we need to produce some internal and external departmental changes. Therefore I have outlined below some of the main functionalities for the new Fault Reporting System: Rapid action or response against
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Company Law - Essay Example The tax system also favours debt financing. The share capital and its cost is difficult to determine as there is no schedule that determines the amount that is paid to the shareholders. Furthermore, the tax system does not favour share capital. If a share capital is raised, the person who acquires such shares and becomes member of the company and in accordance with his class is granted certain rights. Thus it can be safely said that there would be a degree of influence which he can exercise over the running of the company. This is so even if the person is a minority shareholder. As far as a lender is concerned, he is generally not entitled to interfere in the running of the company and so as long as the company is complying with the terms of the debenture no action can be taken by the lender so as to influence the policy of the company. In respect of a dividend for the shares, it needs to be paid only if there is a profit and that too is discretionary that is the directors decide upo n whether it should be paid or not. Contrary to shares, the interest on debt finance must be paid in accordance with what had been agreement upon and is in no way dependent upon the profits of the company. Thus even if there are no profits, the capital has to be used so as to pay the interest failure of which would entitle the lender to appoint an administrator or receiver, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. As far as dividend is concerned, it is not a deductible expense because of the fact that is a distribution of profit and a corporation tax has been deducted from it. However, in respect of the interest for the land and because of the fact that such has been taken as a trading expense and is taken into consideration for computing trading profit, tax is deductible. In respect of share capital a company normally does not have to repay its members the capital which was invested in the company, when company is wound up. Thus the directors do not have to con sider this point. However, for loan capital, there is a date in future on which the loan has to be repaid, which can also be on demand, thus the directors have to consider this and ensure the availability of funds whenever the loan falls due. Thus debt financing may increase earnings per share but there might be a reduction in share price. Thus if investors find that too much has been borrowed then they might sell shares resulting in the company to have greater liabilities than its assets. Thus the directors have to take this into account and to maintain the gearing ratios and to raise share capital and debt finance accordingly. Thus the directors of Green Books Plc would benefit from the advantages listed above and suffer from the disadvantages as well. (ii) In respect of charges, most of them need to be registered with the Companies Registry (CA 2006, s 860) and would be void against liquidator, administrator or creditor who has an interest in the secured assets if not registered (s.874). However, it is important to mention that the contract that is existent between the lender and the company would still be held valid. As for fixed charges over land they must be registered in HM Land Registry. As far as securities are concerned the most attractive ones are buildings etc. A number of fixed charges can be created
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