Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Nature of International Trade, Labour Productivity and Comparative Advantage - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1689 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Subject: Nature of International Trade, labor Productivity and comparative advantage Trade Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services for money or moneys worth. It involves transfer or exchange of goods and services for money or moneys worth. The manufacturers or producer produces the goods, then moves on to the wholesaler, then to retailer and finally to the ultimate consumer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nature of International Trade, Labour Productivity and Comparative Advantage" essay for you Create order Trade is essential for satisfaction of human wants, Trade is conducted not only for the sake of earning profit; it also provides service to the consumers. Trade is an important social activity because the society needs uninterrupted supply of goods forever increasing and ever changing but never ending human wants. Different Types of Trade Trade can be divided into following two types, viz. Internal or Home or Domestic trade. External or Foreign or International trade 1. Internal Trade Internal trade is also known as Home trade. It is conducted within the political and geographical boundaries of a country. It can be at local level, regional level or national level. Hence trade carried on among traders of Delhi, Mumbai, etc. is called home trade. Internal trade can be further sub-divided into two groups, viz. Wholesale Trade: It involves buying in large quantities from producers or manufacturers and selling in lots to retailers for resale to consumers. The wholesaler is a link between manufacturer and retailer. A wholesaler occupies prominent position since manufacturers as well as retailers both are dependent upon him. Wholesaler act as a intermediary between producers and retailers. Retail Trade: It involves buying in smaller lots from the wholesalers and selling in very small quantities to the consumers for personal use. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution. He establishes a link between wholesalers and consumers. There are different types of retailers small as well as large. Small scale retailers include hawkers, peddlers, general shops, etc. 2. External Trade External trade also called as ForeignHYPERLINK https://kalyan-city.blogspot.com/2011/03/what-is-foreign-trade-types-and.html trade. It refers to buying and selling between two or more countries. For instance, If Mr. X who is a trader from Mumbai sells his goods to Mr. Y another trader from New York then this is an example of foreign trade. External trade can be further sub-divided into three groups, viz. Export Trade: When a trader from home country sells his goods to a trader located in another country, it is called export trade. For e.g. a trader from India sells his goods to a trader located in China. Import Trade: When a trader in home country obtains or purchase goods from a trader located in another country, it is called import trade. For e.g. a trader from India purchase goods from a trader located in China. Entrepot Trade: When goods are imported from one country and then re-exported after doing some processing, it is called entrepot trade. In brief, it can be also called as re-export of processed imported goods. For e.g. an Indian trader (from India) purchase some raw material or spare parts from a Japanese trader (from Japan), then assembles it i.e. convert into finished goods and then re-export to an American trader (in U.S.A). Reasons of Trade: Different factor endowmentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" some economies are rich in natural resources while others have relatively little. Trade enables economies to specialize in the export of some resources and earn revenue to pay for imports of other goods. Increased welfareà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" specialization (where countries have a comparative advantage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" see the next section for more detail on this) and trade allow countries to gain a higher level of consumption than they would do domestically and this leads to increased welfare and higher living standards. To gaineconomies of scaleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" with specialization and production on a larger scale than may be possible domestically, a country may be able to gain more economies of scale. This will lead to lower average costs and benefit consumers through lower prices. Diversity of choiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" trade enables us to access goods and services that we may not be able to produce ourselves. What would be an example in your country of goods that you can only get through trade? Political / historical reasonsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" some trade takes place for political and other reasons relating to history and tradition, though this is generally diminishing in importance. Increased competitionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" increased global competition may help to spur domestic productivity improvements and give domestic firms a better incentive to innovate and improve their products. This will benefit consumers. Trade may be anà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"engine for growthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" increased trade may help to spur greater domestic economic growth and drive further improvements in living standards. Labor productivity Labor productivityis the amount ofgoodsandservicesthat aworkerproduces in a given amount of time. It is one of several types ofproductivitythateconomistsmeasure. Workforce productivity can be measured for a firm, a process, an industry, or a country. It is often referred to asWorkforce productivity. Workforce productivity can be measured in 2 ways, in physical terms or in price terms. The intensity of labor-effort, and the quality of labor effort generally. The creative activity involved in producing technical innovations. The relative efficiency gains resulting from different systems of management, organization, co-ordination or engineering. The productive effects of some forms of labor on other forms of labor. The factors affecting labor productivity or the performance of individual work roles are of broadly the same type as those that affect the performance of manufacturing firms as a whole. They include: (1) Physical-organic, location, and technological factors. (2) Cultural belief-value and individual attitudinal, motivational and behavioural factors. (3) International influences à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" e.g. levels of innovativeness and efficiency on the part of the owners and managers of inward investing foreign companies. (4) Managerial-organizational and wider economic and political-legal environments. (5) Levels of flexibility in internal labor markets and the organization of work activities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" e.g. the presence or absence of traditional craft demarcation lines and barriers to occupational entry. (6) Individual rewards and payment systems, and the effectiveness of personnel managers and others in recruiting, training, communicating with, and performanc e-motivating employees on the basis of pay and other incentives. Comparative Advantage Comparative advantage is an economic theory about the potentialgains from tradefor individuals, firms, or nations that arise from differences in theirfactor endowmentsortechnological progress.In aneconomic model, anagenthas a comparative advantage over another in producing a particulargoodif she can produce that good at a lower relativeopportunity costorautarky price i.e. at a lower relativemarginal costprior to trade. The closely-relatedlaworprinciple of comparative advantageholds that underfree trade, an agent will produce more of and consume less of a good for which she has a comparative advantage. Further, if two countries capable of producing the same two commodities engage infree HYPERLINK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_tradetrade, then each country will increase its overall consumption by exporting the good for which it has a comparative advantage while importing the other good, p rovided that there exist differences inlabor productivitybetween both countries. Protectionism Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states (countries) through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically. This policy contrasts with free trade, where government barriers to trade are kept to a minimum. In recent years, protectionism has become closely aligned with anti-globalization and anti-immigration. The term is mostly used in the context of economics, where protectionism refers to policies or doctrines which protect businesses and workers within a country by restricting or regulating trade with foreign nations. Methods of Protectionism A variety of methods have been used to achieve protectionist goals. These include: Tariffs: Typically, tariffs (or taxes) are imposed on imported goods. Tariff rates usually vary according to the type of goods imported. Import tariffs will increase the cost to importers, and increase the price of imported goods in the local markets, thus lowering the quantity of goods imported, to favor local producers. Tariffs may also be imposed on exports, and in an economy with floating exchange rates, export tariffs have similar effects as import tariffs. However, since export tariffs are often perceived as hurting local industries, while import tariffs are perceived as helping local industries, export tariffs are seldom implemented. Import quotas: To reduce the quantity and therefore increase the market price of imported goods. The economic effects of an import quota are similar to that of a tariff, except that the tax revenue gain from a tariff will instead be distributed to those who receive import licenses. Economists often suggest that import licenses be auctioned to the highest bidder, or that import quotas be replaced by an equivalent tariff. Administrative barriers: Countries are sometimes accused of using their various administrative rules (e.g. regarding food safety, environmental standards, electrical safety, etc.) as a way to introduce barriers to imports. Anti-dumping legislation: Supporters of anti-dumping laws argue that they prevent dumping of cheaper foreign goods that would cause local firms to close down. However, in practice, anti-dumping laws are usually used to impose trade tariffs on foreign exporters. Direct subsidies: Government subsidies (in the form of lump-sum payments or cheap loans) are sometimes given to local firms that cannot compete well against imports. These subsidies are purported to protect local jobs, and to help local firms adjust to the world markets. Export subsidies: Export subsidies are often used by governments to increase exports. Export subsidies have the opposite effect of export tariffs because exporters get payment, which is a percentage or proportion of the value of exported. Export subsidies increase the amount of trade, and in a country with floating exchange rates, have effects similar to import subsidies. Exchange rate manipulation: A government may intervene in the foreign exchange market to lower the value of its currency by selling its currency in the foreign exchange market. Doing so will raise the cost of imports and lower the cost of exports, leading to an improvement in its trade balance. However, such a policy is only effective in the short run, as it will most likely lead to inflation in the country, which will in turn raise the cost of exports, and reduce the relative price of imports.
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Reality Of Child Abuse - 854 Words
The Reality of Child Abuse A child should be in a family built with love and support, but for many children all over the United States they sadly do not. They live in a home built on fear and anger, and never knowing if they are going to live to see the next year, month, week, or even day. It is sadly the truth for children suffering from child abuse. Solving this growing problem by turning a blind shoulder is no longer the answer, in order to save these children the nation must face it head on. Child abuse is a reality many people have to face and it is time to stop it once in for all. †Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United†(childhelp.org) Everyday hundreds of calls are made in the name to stop the fight of child abuse but many go unresolved and even end in death. Child abuse in this day and age is so common but why is it never in the local paper or even on the television? Because no one wants to accept the fact that there are people out there that shows no compassion for a younger life. Why is that? In a recent study on childhelp.org they found that most predators were abused at one point in their life with sadly no one to step in to save them, so when they grow-up they also tend to fall back into the brutal cycle of this dark merry-go-round. The first step to putting a halt on child abuse is to actually know what child abuse is. â€Å"Child abuse is in the occurrence when a caretaker injures a child, not by accident but in anger orShow MoreRelatedLife Is Complex And There Is An Abundance Of Knowledge Essay1285 Words  | 6 Pagesby using verbal abuse, and maybe with physical abuse. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project Free Essays
Week Three Individual Paper Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project CMGT 554/IT Infrastruct In week’s three individual dissection of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Department, I will discuss three topics that will help with a better understanding of the Hospital’s Networking Department. During the first topic, a complete analysis will be completed on the network systems in use. While covering the second topic, discussion on what standards may be missing from the Hospital’s current network. We will write a custom essay sample on Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now During last topic, I will identify the Hospital’s wireless technology in currently in use and how it may enhance the hospitals network. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital currently uses a Local Area Network (LAN) standard within the hospital with certain Departments using a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The Hospital’s top view IT network perspective has the Hospital divided into two sections, the Clinical Areas and the Administrative Function Areas. The entire Hospital‘s backbone (BN) network structure is a 1000 BaseT Ethernet cable. A 1000 BaseT Ethernet cable also known as IEEE 802. 3ab, is the standard for gigabit Ethernet using copper wiring (Wikipedia, 2010). However, in the second half of the Hospital’s network structure, the Clinical Areas, a 1000 BaseF Ethernet cable is the standard. A 1000 BaseF, also known as 1000Base-F, is a physical layer baseband specification for Ethernet communications over optical fibers (Wikipedia, 2010). The Departments that make up the Administrative Departments of the Hospital are The Hospital’s Executive Management, Human Resources, Operations, Facilities, Finance (Apollo, 2008). Each of the afore-mentioned Departments is connected via a 1000 Base T CAT 6 cable. Each of these departments has dedicated computers that are assigned per the individual’s title in the organization. For example, the Executive Mgmt. have Apple iMacs, 24†, 2. 4GHz, 2GB Ram, 500 MB HD, Wireless, 10/100/1000 Base T, OS Virtualization with MAC OS X Leopard amp; Windows XP work stations. The HR, OPNS, Finance Senior Manager Workstations are Apple iMac, 20†, 2 GHz, 350 MB HD, Wireless, 10/100/1000 Base T, OS Virtualization with MAC OS X Leopard / Windows XP OS. Personal within the Administrative Areas that are only responsible for data entry are given Thin Client Computer: HP model L1706. The Administrative Departments have two networked HP 4350 Black and White Laser Printers and one color HP 4200pht networked Laser Printer. The Administrative Department is then linked to the IT Data Center where in the IT Date Center; connections are established with servers and the internet. This circuit will be discussed later in this paper. The second half of the Hospitals network is the clinical Departments. The Clinical Departments that make up this circuit are: Radiology, Radiology Information Systems Data Center (RIS), Operating Room (OR), Intensive Clear Unit (ICU), and the Ward Floor Systems (Apollo, 2008). The Clinical Areas of the Hospital network standards is a 1000 Base F single mode fiber, Fiber Optic cable. Just as the Administrative Departments, in the Radiology Department, each Department has their own workstations. In the Radiology Department, there are seven different viewing stations, MRI, CT, X-Ray, Mammograms, PET, Nuclear Medicine, and Sonography. Each one of these station consist of a Apple Mac Pro, 2-3 GHz quad processors, 16GB RAM, 4 + 750 MD HD in RAID, Nividia FX 4500 Image Card, 2 Apple 30†Cinema Flat panel Displays, OsiriX Imaging Software, OS Virtualization with MAC OS X Leopard and windows XP Pro OS, and a APC 2 KVA back up power supply. Each Modality viewing station has its own DICOM (Digital to Film Printer), KODAK 6800 Dry Laser Printer. In addition to the Modality View Stations, the Emergency Room has one workstation with a portable X-Ray Machine. The Radiology Department also has Laboratories and a Pharmacy that are equipped with similar work stations; Apple iMac, 20†displays, 2. 4 GHz, 2 GB Ram, 500 MB HD, Fiber Card OS Virtualization w/ Mac OS X Leopard and Windows XP Pro OS. The Only differences between the two departments are the printers that they are equipped with. The Laboratories have one HP 4700pht color laser printer and the Pharmacy has two HP Bamp;W 4350 Laser Printers. Given the magnitude of data that travels through the Radiology Department, e. g. X-Rays, CT Scans, etc†¦ the Department needs to equip its own Data Center. The RIS Data Center, short for Radiology Information Systems Data Center is the main host for the servers being used in the clinical areas of the Hospital. The RIS is equipped with an Apple Cluster Server running Mac OS Leopard Xserve w/ remote desktop. The Apple cluster has a 10 terabyte Disk Storage center. The standard being used in the RIS Data Center is the same as the rest of the Clinical areas, a 1000 Base F single mode fiber with each workstation equipped with a fiber card to use this standard. The RIS has Data Center workstations and two printers are attached via LAN. The OR, ICU, Ward Floor Room location, and the Nurses’ Station are also equipped with workstations that are connected via the same 1000 Base F standard. The only additional standard that the ICU and the Wards areas have is one Wireless Access Point (WAP) within each ICU and Ward. The Hospital main IT Data Center is where the 1000 Base F standard is connected to the rest of the Hospital network by a Network Gateway. The gateway is then connected to the Hospital’s BN 1000 base T CAT 6 standard. The IT Data Center is equipped with an IBM Series Z9EC Mainframe with a Linux OS, DB2 Database, 16 Processors, 32 GB Ram, and a AES Security System, â€Å"AES stands for Advance Encryption Standard,†BitZipper, 2010. The IT Data Center also has a Windows Exchange Server and an Internet Server that is connected to a Cisco Router Model 7609. The Hospital also has a Remote Access Server that uses a Cisco ASA 5510 VPN Router. Based on this week’s and prior week’s reading, The Hospital’s network architecture is missing what network topology is in use. From the IT network diagrams supplied by the organization, the Hospital seem to be a Bus network Topology, however; because there are no references to the topology, would only assume a Bus topology is in practice. According to Wikipedia, in local area networks where a bus topology is used, each machine is connected to a single cable, each computer or server is connected to a single bus cable through some kind of connector. In a Bus topology, a signal is travels from the source computer in both directions to all machines in the network until it finds the intended Mac address or IP address. The hospital is also missing rather the Hospital is connected to a, â€Å"Campus Network, Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), or a Wide Area Network (WAN),†Dennis and Fitzgerald, 2009. In addition, after reviewing the IT Diagrams, the Hospital fails to show architecture plans for a rooms in each floor of the hospital that contain the main distribution facility (MDF). The architecture plans for the MDF per floor or essential to direct and control the network traffic. However, even though the OR, ICU, and Ward Floor systems shows a 24 port FO hub per Ward or ICU, it doesn’t show how that is connected to the main server. The Hospital IT Team needs to architect plans that show each of the layers of the Hospital’s BN, e. g. Access Layer, Distribution Layer, and the Core Layer. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology is available throughout the entire Hospital. Each of the workstation in the Hospital has wireless capabilities. The only Wire Access Points (WAP) within the hospital is in the Ward Room and in the ICU Areas of the hospital. This technology is very useful for the hospital and it enhances the mobility of the Doctors and Nurses. The IT diagrams do not show the use of wireless tablets or netbooks but I would assume if the technology is present then those standards are in use. In addition, one does not know the age of the hospital’s architecture so by adding a WLAN standard, the Hospital is capable of adding additional workstation without the need of running extra LAN Ethernet cable that can be both costly and demanding of the IT Team. Both the IT Data Center and the RIS Data Center have Remote Access Servers (RAS); the IT Data Center is equipped with an IBM System x3250 RAS Server and the RIS Data Center’s Apple Cluster Server has a built in RAS. With both Data Center possessing WLAN RAS Servers, the Doctors and Nurses are capable in accessing both Data Center to have full access to the patient’s full records. This standard will ensure that the patient is treated accurately by the medical staff. In conclusion, the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital’s network analysis shows that the hospital uses a Local Area Network with the use of both 1000 Base T and 1000 Base F standards. However, although the provided IT diagrams showed the basic architecture layout of the network, it did not show what type of network topology it is and nor does it provided a detailed architecture plan of the BN Architecture layers. Furthermore, the Hospital’s Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) was discussed to provide evidence on the ability that the WLAN has to enhance the Hospital network. References Jerry Fitzgerald, A. D. (2009). Business Data Communication And Networking (10th ed. ). : John Wiley amp; Sons Inc. Apollo Group. (2008). Network Diagrams. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Healthcare/PFCH/IT/ITNetDTop. htm Apollo Group. (2008). Network Diagrams. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Healthcare/PFCH/IT/ITLogNet. htm Apollo Group. (2008). Network Diagrams. Retrieved from How to cite Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Networking Project, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Whats 3D animation Introduction of the 3D animat Essay Example For Students
Whats 3D animation? Introduction of the 3D animat Essay ion. Today , it is an undeniable fact that computer graphic design technologydevelop so fast . We can see computer graphic design technica has been usedeverywhere in our life. And 3D animation as the most important part ofcomputer graphic design technology. It has been widely applied in gamedesign and movie making. For our computer graphic design student, 3Danimation is the technology of using computer software like Maya ,4Dcinema ,to create the character and environment .For example, like thefollowing Image. It is totally made by using Maya, but its hard to recognize anddifference with the true photo. We can see the best 3D visual effects ofusing 3D animation software . The history of computer animation is onlytwenty-five years old . In that time artist and scientists have moved fromrudimentary flying logos to sophisticated , humanistic motion applied tocomputer generated characters . When we look back in amazement at thehistory of computer animation and still find it hard to believe that wecould have had such an impact on the entertainment industry . Nothing movesfaster than technology . Especially in 3D animation , great development hasbeen taken place since last twenty five years . For a computer graphicdesign student. Be a good 3D animator is very important for our futurecareer. So in the following paragraph will be focus on how to be a good 3Danimator for a computer graphic design student. Drawing skills is important for a good 3D animation designer. From my point of view, Drawing skills is quite important for a 3D animator. It seems like if people wanna be a good 3D animation designer, they must dolots of drawing practise first. Drawing is the foundation before go to the3D software. Do lots of sketch is the only way to built your conceptbefore go to computer. Like the following images. Which is done by a well-known 3D animation artist Michael Weidman. We can see he built conceptusing these kind of sketch. That is why in every design school first yearcourse, every student must take the drawing class. Especially for thosepeople who are gonna do 3D animation in the future, drawing has been anessential part of being a 3D animator. If we look the following image whichis done by using 3D software. Everyone will wonder how can the designerbuild his ideas. And we look the next image. We can get the answer. Thedesigner of this image did his sketch first, then go to computer. So thesketch one and the final one look same without the filling colour. Fromthis point, everyone will understand how this animator built h is conceptand how important is the drawing skills for a good 3D animator. Good computer technical skills also is very importantSecondly, computer technical skills also is very important for a 3Danimator. As the technology development, we got lots of computer softwarefor 3D animation, like Maya , 4D Cinema these two most famous software. For a 3D animation designer, people must get to know the each function ofsoftware, otherwise it will be hard to get a good 3D visual effect. Likethe following image, I got it from the movie The Matrix which is the mostwell-known movie made by using 3D animation. It is impossible for a personwithout any technical skills to finish this character with such amazing 3Dvisual effect. From graphic design experience like using Photoshop,Freehand. It is a such hard thing to built any visual effect without anytechnical skills. Like the following two image, we must use some of thefunction of the software to get control of the movement of these two 3Dcharacters. Without any technical skills, so can one get control of thesetwo character. So computer technical skills also is very important for a 3Danimation designer. .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .postImageUrl , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:hover , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:visited , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:active { border:0!important; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:active , .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6 .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u32a8096673d21117fa6fcc14999f86b6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Michael Jackson Essay A good 3D animation designer must have good imagination. Another important thing for a 3D animation designer is the goodimagination. Like the following image, which is made by using 3D animation. We cannt see this kind of face in our life. The face of this characterlooks just combine the human face and the animal face. If we suppose thedesigner dont have the good imagination, so how could he get this ideafrom? Because he couldnt the model for this character in our true life. Moreover, 3D animation is becoming very important
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